Study-Call can be deployed as per the IT requirements of the individual or group of schools. Core to any solution is an appropriate level of reliability, disaster recovery e.g. site evacuation, pandemic! Add to this local Health & Safety needs affecting local services such as a tannoy service or retaining internal or back up communications during a network outage. With multi-site deployments calls can over flow in or out of hours to alternative receptions with the answering reception/team knowing the target for the call and answering appropriately. If a centralised service is required, calls can be answered by the central team and distributed to the local school or skill set as required.
How you pay for your service varies - some aspects will be monthly e.g. call charges/call bundles however the system itself can be accommodated to be a monthly or outright purchase terms. Some may decide to mix the charges and pay for some items in advance whilst retaining monthly fees.